•Commission Info•

Coloured Sketches

Bust- £50
Halfbody- £90
Full body- £110

Full Renders

Bust- £100
Halfbody- £130
Full body- £150

Character Sheets

1 Fullbody + 1 Halfbody + Graphics - £210
1 Fullbody and 1 outfit change + 1 Halfbody + Graphics - £265


Static- £10Animated - £20

per emote

Please note: Full Renders and Character Sheets are guide prices and are subject to change depending on character complexity.Thank you for considering me to commission!

•Terms Of Service•

❀ Fill out the VGen request form to submit your commission request. Make sure you include as much reference and extra information as possible before submitting to ensure I complete your request as accurately as I can. I will contact you if your request is unclear, or deny your request in its entirety if required information is missing or incorrect. Unless you are requesting a skeb-styled commission, please expect regular contact for updates and revisions, and any other questions I have regarding your commission.
As well as giving incomplete information, your commission request may be denied if it conflicts with any of the themes / content I will not draw:❀ Gore / extreme content
❀ Excessive mech or armour
❀ Replicas of other artists work
The content I will not draw is not limited to this list, if I do not believe I will be able to complete the commission to a professional quality, or if I am uncomfortable with the request submitted, this will also result in your request being denied.Notes for content I will draw:
❀ If you request animal or part mech characters, these will be simplified to fit my style.
❀ NSFW is accepted.
❀ Complicated fantasy characters will be subject to extra charges.
❀ Complicated backgrounds will be subject to extra charges.
[see below for full list of extra fees.]
Emote commissions will have a delivery time of 2-4 weeks. Character Illustrations will have a delivery time of 4-8 weeks. These are estimations that reflect my workload when opening commissions, you will be notified if your commission is going to take more time.
You can receive WIP updates upon request after an initial sketch has been agreed. Revisions are unlimited and free during the process. Feel free to check in on your commission! Any later revisions once the art is complete and the files are sent, is an additional 35% fee of full commission price unless there is a mistake with the file.Updates and revisions will be available on all my work unless specified on the listing. eg. Skeb commissions.PAYMENTS
Payments will be taken in full and exclusively through VGen. If you require payment plan discussion, please let me know when I contact you with the full commission pricing. You will not receive your commission until full payment is received.
If you refuse to pay outstanding balance on your commission your commission will be cancelled by me and you will not receive your work.Do not send funds for commissions that were submitted on VGen, outside of VGen's services, I am not responsible to return any unsolicited funds.EXTRA FEES❀ Animated emotes [+£9 per emote ]
❀ Props [+£20 per prop ]
❀ Complex Character [+£55 ]
❀ Complex Background [+£40 ]
❀ Commercial Fees [ +100%- 200% ]
❀ Late Revisions [ +35% ]
❀ Priority [+£25]
Half body and full body illustration add-on fees depend on the style of listing.Fees are an estimate of the average price and are subject to change.COPYRIGHT AND USAGE
Your work will have my logo signature(s) within the illustration, DO NOT remove this under any circumstances.
EMOTES will not be watermarked, I will provide you with an Emote Showcase containing my watermark, which is also not to be removed.
ARTIST/CLIENT/CONSUMER USAGEAs the Artist, I use your commission for commission showcasing on social media and exemplifying it as my portfolio.As the commissioner, You can use your commission for any personal use, self promotion on social media including Emote commercial use on streaming services only.As the commissioner OR CONSUMER of my artwork, DO NOT:
❀ Edit any part of my art.
❀ Profit off my art without a commercial license eg. selling merchandise
❀ Claim my work as your own.
❀ Use my art in ANY AI software regardless of intent.
❀ Use my art in any other way that is unethical or harmful to the artist.
Commercial licensing is me, as the Artist, granting you permission as a commissioner to use and profit from my creative work in exchange for compensation. If you do not purchase commercial licensing from me subject to my fees, I do not give you permission to use my work for profit. You can purchase this any time during or after the commission process.If you fail to comply with my TOS, with emphasis on this section, it will result in you being blacklisted and you will no longer be able to commission me. You will lose your rights to your commission as a commissioner, and I am well within my right to resell your work or use it however I deem fit. As well as publicising your breach of Terms of Service to warn other Artists.If you disagree with any of the information in my TOS, please do not commission me.DELIVERY AND REFUNDS
I will notify you when your commission has been finished, your commission will be sent to the email provided.
No full or part refunds will be issued if you choose to cancel your commission. If you have a payment plan you are not obligated to pay the full commission price if you decide to cancel within the first 2 weeks.You will be entitled to a part refund of your commission IF I do not deliver your commission within the appropriate time or any extensions that have been agreed upon.If you chargeback your commission it will be automatically cancelled and you will be blacklisted and considered a breach of Terms of Service.